Navonim - The Ramblings of Garnel Ironheart

Navonim - The Ramblings of Garnel Ironheart

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Help Wanted

In a way, it's flattering. Every good blog seems to have their own personal idi... nudnik. FailedMessiah has Ariel Sokolovsky. Rav Harry Maryles has some guy named Chareidi. I even play the role myself sometimes over on Cross Currents.
Unfortunately, it seems I've attracted my own nudnik. Now, on one hand, it's nice to have someone who will reliably comment on my postings. Certainly the rest of the folks who browse through this blog seem very shy about it. On the other hand, the comments are generally irrelevant to the particular post. If I post about religious Jews, I get a comment on how lousy religious Jews are. If I post on Israel, I get a comment on how lousy religious Jews are. If I post on the price of melons in east Wackostan, I get a comment on how lousy religious Jews are. And so on.
So I would like to announce that The Blog of Garnel Ironheart is opening auditions for a new nudnik. Anyone can enter. The position comes with an obligation to comment regularly but also with some relevance and variety, not just the same whinging over and over again.
Please feel free to leave your samples in the comments section of this post. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I feel this post is just fishing for responses and doesn't really bring anything to the table.

It's unoriginal, and you smell bad.

I'll see you in late July.

Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

lol, thanks for the hat tip:-)

SJ said...

rofl garnel u asked for variety and now you have it XD

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see some variety of topics. You can reconstruct the polarity shifts of socio-economic neo-liberalism quite well; What do you have to say about the final season of Gilmore Girls?

How about a shiur on the growing number of Jews eschewing Braun electrics for Panasonic models?

You could also talk about fashion, food, and culture.

But most of all, your loyal audience wants to see pictures of "your happy place". Where does GI go to find some decent hispodeduce (sp?) in the Hammer?


The Incalcitrant Behemoth

Anonymous said...

> What do you have to say about the final season of Gilmore Girls?

I'll miss Rory but I think it's high time she moved on with her life and got away from her co-dependent mother.

> How about a shiur on the growing number of Jews eschewing Braun electrics for Panasonic models?

Clearly they're concerned about the teshuvah in the Eigel Baygel's latest volume that questions whether Braun's technology is based on scissors or razors.

> You could also talk about fashion, food, and culture.

I know enough to match my socks in the morning, eat without dribbling (too much) and culture for me is what makes yogurt so tasty.

> Where does GI go to find some decent hispodeduce (sp?) in the Hammer?

They have some on sale in the kosher aisle at Fortino's.