I've always had a problem with "Ashkenazi-creep", the tendency for people to assume that the way Ashkenazi Chareidim, specifically Eastern-European Ashkenazim, do things is the way to do something Jewish. It ignores the rich diversity of legitimate traditions within Torah Judaism in a an attempt to replce them with bland conformity.
I especially don't like seeing Sephardim adopting Ashkenazim customs and behaviours because they want to appear more frum. Sephardi Judaism is older, more colourful and far more dynamic and it is a shame when people abandon such a rich heritage because of the mistaken impression that it's no longer good enough.
So, on one hand I was heartened by this article in which Rav Yitchak Yosef, the son of Rav Ovadiah Yosef, one of the pre-eminent Sephardi rabbinic leaders of the day, castgated Sephardim who adopt Ashkenazic customs because they think it's more religiously correct, and also attacked the Ashkenazim who are giving the Sephardim this impression.
There's only one problem. While anyone who has ever seen Rav Ovadiah Yosef knows he is careful to appear in the garb of a traditional Sephardi rabbinic leader. However, the picture at the top of this post is of his son. Exactly who is he dressed like, an Ashkenazi or a Sephardi?
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