Navonim - The Ramblings of Garnel Ironheart

Navonim - The Ramblings of Garnel Ironheart

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Time To Switch Sides

If there's one consistent feature to BH Obama's foreign policy since he came to power, it's been the simple principle: Suck up to your enemies, screw your friends.  Although many would like to see Obama as the most anti-Semitic president since Jimmy Carter, and while there is probably some truth to that supposition, an unbiased look at his record shows a far more disturbing pattern of betrayal of those who trust in the United States as a beacon of freedom and honour.
Look at how Poland and Czech, both countries existing in the shadow of an aggressive Russia asked NATO for help to protect their hard-earned freedom from the (formerly red) Bear.  While busy spending time groveling to Putin and his cronies, Obama has also done what he can to assure the Russians he will do nothing to protect these two countries, officially allies of America, from Putin's ambitions.
South Korea might like some help dealing with bellicose North Korea.  Unfortunatley, Kim Il Jong or whoever else is running the North these days is more likely to get his phone answered by Obama than the president of South Korea, again a US ally.
So as the diplomatic crisis between America and Israel over a routine housing announcement builds to a feve pitch, it should not make Jews think that we are once again being singled out.  The pattern fits: the same president who wistfully dreams of sharing a shwarma and coffee with Ahmedwhositnow in downtown Tehran is looking to throw Israel under the bus.  No surprise.
In fact, Israel should be able to extricate itself from this mess with great ease.  All it needs to do is declare itself an enemy of the US.  Propaganda should be printed describing how the US is an evil aggressor looking to impose its white colonialist ways on another innocent country.  Shout out about how impotent Obama is how much Israel would like to see him humiliated on the world stage.
This will put Obama in a difficult position and finally unmask his true colours.  If he suddenly turns around and favours Israel, well that fits the pattern.  If he continues to show enmity, that should prove once and for all to the liberal Democratic Jews that the current president has a hostility towards us (just like his two court Yids, Axelrod and Emmanuel).


Izgad said...

A guess this calls for the Mouse that Roared. Which Israeli leaders should we have Peter Sellers of blessed comic memory play?

David said...

SJ said...

McCain got crushed in the electorial college but not in the popular vote which was 52.9% Obama and 45.7% McCain not that low.

For the Democrats to have read that as a mandate to do just whatever they wanted was a mistake.

Garnel Ironheart said...

One of the problems with winner-take-all democracy is that you can get 50.1% of the vote and all of the power. Of course, the problem with proportional democracy is that a bunch of minor parties representing 10% of the vote dictate terms to the larger parties so a coalition can be formed.
One thing US government is generally good at is bipartisan work. While in Canada,for example, it would considered treason for the prime minister to call up the leader of the opposition and ask for his help on a problem, such work is considered meritory in the U.S. Unfortunately Obama doesn't seem to understand that.

Friar Yid (not Shlita) said...

One thing US government is generally good at is bipartisan work. While in Canada,for example, it would considered treason for the prime minister to call up the leader of the opposition and ask for his help on a problem, such work is considered meritory in the U.S. Unfortunately Obama doesn't seem to understand that.

Not that the past few years were such beacons of bipartisanship, either.

Garnel Ironheart said...

I agree, but it is still far, far better than Canada's situation.